
Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

The use and sales promoted on the Grocer's website are governed by the following terms and conditions. When placing an order on www.grocersfood.com:

  • You declare that you have read and agreed to these terms and conditions, expressly declaring that you are aware of and accept these Terms and Conditions, by clicking on “I have read and accepted the terms and conditions of sale as well as the applicable privacy policy”. Registration on the website www.grocersfood.com does not, however, constitute a right of users;
  • You declare that you are at least eighteen (18) years of age and/or of legal age in the jurisdiction of your residence and that you have the legal possibility to contract and will use your means of payment;
  • You will not make fraudulent use of the website, contrary to the law or good practices;
  • You accept that Portuguese legislation will regulate any conflict with the consumer, without prejudice to legal provisions to the contrary, community directive, or international treaty.

Henrique Guimarães, Lda is the company that owns Grocer’s trademark, the website www.grocersfood.com and its contents. This includes documentation, images, characters, design, music, software, code, and format scripts. All material included on the website www.grocersfood.com is protected by copyright. Reproduction, modification, transmission, republication, and/or redistribution to third parties for commercial purposes are strictly prohibited without the prior consent of Henrique Guimarães, Lda. The company Henrique Guimarães, Lda, hereinafter referred to as Grocer’s, does not allow the use of the contents of the website or its brand for any purpose other than those mentioned above.

Grocer’s publishes information on its website www.grocersfood.com to provide the best service to users, and updates this information constantly. However, Grocer's declines any responsibility for any technical inaccuracies and/or typographical errors that may arise.

Due to restrictions imposed by carriers, and the risk of credit card fraud, Grocer's does not deliver to PO Boxes.

Grocer's also reserves the right to make corrections and changes to the website without prior notice and does not guarantee that all information published on its website complies with the legislation in force in the user's jurisdiction, except for the territory of Portugal and, when applicable, of the European Union.

The website www.grocersfood.com is protected according to international internet standards, so if used correctly, the user can be sure that he will not find any malicious software on his computer. However, Grocer's declines any responsibility for any problems, damages, viruses, or risks that the User may incur during the misuse of the website, as well as any deficient use of the website.

Grocer’s also reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions contained in this legal information, without prior notice, so users are recommended to refer to this page frequently.

The User and Grocer's agree that any legal issue related to the use of the website www.grocersfood.com shall be settled exclusively at the Court of Porto, in Portugal, without prejudice to mandatory provisions to the contrary in Portuguese legislation, community directive, or international treaty.

Grocer's does not guarantee that all content presented on its website is appropriate or possible to use in other countries, so access to such content from places where it is illegal is expressly prohibited. Users who choose to access this website from these locations will do so at their own risk and will be solely responsible for such an act.


All products featured on www.grocersfood.com are described as accurately as possible. Users should read the product description as carefully as possible and, if they have any questions, they can contact Grocer’s via email info@grocersfood.com or phone number +351 919567974.

Due to the type of computer used, colour settings, internet browser or others, the colours shown in the photographs on the website www.grocersfood.com may differ from the actual colours. Grocer's cannot be held responsible for such differences.

The photographed packaging may change in design and format, under the responsibility of the manufacturer, and Grocer's is not responsible for this change. In handicraft items, there may be some differences from the photograph shown, given the nature of the manufacture of this item.


Once the order has been confirmed and payment has been made, Grocer’s sends you a message confirming receipt of the order and payment.

Delivery Time
Except in extraordinary circumstances, the purchased product(s) will be delivered within a maximum period of 4 working days (in mainland Portugal) a contar da data em que o pagamento da encomenda for confirmado. A entrega nos arquipélagos dos Açores e Madeira demora entre 6 a 9 dias úteis a contar da data de pagamento e está sujeita a orçamento prévio.

Any delivery delays may be due to:
– Bespoke and custom products;
– Force majeure cases;
– Delivery zone;
– Special sales or promotions
– Absence of recipient
- Christmas time
If for any reason it is not possible to comply with the maximum delivery period indicated, Grocer's will inform you of this fact and will give the option to keep the order by establishing a new delivery date or to cancel the purchase, in which case you will be refunded of the amount spent.

Delivery Fee
A entrega em Portugal Continental tem o custo unitário fixo de 7.90€ Iva incluído, e acima de 100,00€ de compras o transporte é gratuito.
A entrega nos arquipélagos da Madeira e Açores é calculada ao peso, e mediante pedido de orçamento.
Grocer’s can also ship to any country in the world upon request.

Days of Delivery
Não se efetuam entregas aos Sábados, Domingos e feriados. Sempre que o prazo máximo de entrega terminar num destes dias, será automaticamente prorrogado até ao primeiro dia útil seguinte.

Horário de entrega
A entrega é feita durante o dia, entre as 09h e as 19h aproximadamente. Não é possível marcar uma hora de entrega uma vez que a rota do estafeta depende exclusivamente do transportador.

Absence of recipient
Em Portugal Continental – se o destinatário estiver ausente, a encomenda volta para a central de distribuição da respetiva zona, e no dia útil seguinte efetua-se nova tentativa de entrega. O Cliente será informado por email ou por telefone. Por cada nova tentativa de entrega será cobrada uma nova taxa de entrega de 7,90€ Iva incluído.
Azores and Madeira – if the recipient is absent, a notification will be left to collect the order at the nearest courrier CTT post.

Incorrect destination address
Em Portugal Continental – se a morada do destinatário estiver incorreta, a encomenda volta para a central de distribuição da respetiva zona e aguardará novas instruções. A Grocer’s contactará o Cliente de forma a corrigir a morada. Neste caso, é necessário criar uma nova carta de porte com uma nova taxa de entrega no valor de 7,90€ IVA incluído.
Azores and Madeira – if the recipient's address is incorrect, the order will be placed at the nearest CTT post and will await further instructions for a new address; this may have a new cost according to area and weight.

Recolha nas instalações da Grocer’s (Zona Industrial do Porto ou Rua S. João de Brito)
De forma alternativa, e caso o Cliente assim o pretenda, o levantamento da encomenda poderá ser feito na Grocer’s sem qualquer custo, bastando escolher esta opção no ato da encomenda. A Grocer’s informará o cliente via email quando a encomenda estiver pronta para ser levantada numa das seguintes moradas (a indicar):
Log In – Rua Eng. Ferreira Dias, 415/419 – 4149-013 Porto ou Grocer’s – Rua S. João de Brito 435 2º Dto 4100-454 Porto
Horário de recolha: de segunda a sexta-feira das 9h00 às 13h00 e das 14h00 às 19h00
Contact +351 91 956 7974 or info@grocersfood.com

For these Terms and Conditions, the delivery of any products is deemed to be carried out at the time of signing a proof of receipt of the products at the agreed delivery address.

The risks to which the products may be subjected will be the customer's responsibility from the moment of delivery, that is, from the moment he becomes the owner of those same products.


If, for any reason, any product or reference is out of stock and it is not possible to ship it accordingly, Grocer’s will be committed to replacing it with another flavour or another product of equal or greater value. Whenever possible, Grocer's will contact you to notify you of any possible changes.


If you intend to return the product, you have a right to withdraw from the contract at any time up to 14 calendar days after the day on which you receive the products you ordered .

To withdraw from the contract, you must inform Grocer's of your decision by email to info@grocersfood.com. You have 14 calendar days to be able to cancel your contract, so please beware to write to us before the end of the 14 days.

You must return goods without undue delay and until 14 calendar days after the contract withdrawal decision. This deadline will be respected if you return goods before the end of these 14 days. You may return goods at Grocer's offices, located at Porto, or by courier, at your own cost, as long as you pack them securely with all the items included in that hamper. Grocer's will only be responsible for returns of default or faulty hampers. The hamper must be returned unused, unopened, and with the original packaging undamaged. To arrange a return please email us at info@grocersfood.com or by phone at +351 919567974

Once we have received a returned order, the items returned will be checked and you will be informed by email. Any agreed refunds, credits, or exchanges will be made within 30 days of return receipt.

O valor a reembolsar, será líquido de custos de transporte e das comissões bancárias suportadas pela Grocer’s no caso de pagamentos por referência de multibanco, cartão de crédito e Paypal.

Products that are not in the same conditions in which they were received or that have been used beyond the simple opening of the respective packaging will not be returned.

Cancellations or refunds do not apply to the following situations, according the law enforcement:
– Supply of bespoke goods following the Customer's specifications or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or are susceptible to deteriorate or perish quickly.


Upon receiving the product, if you consider that it does not comply with the Terms and Conditions of Sale, you must immediately contact Grocer's to describe the problem whether it is faulty or damaged. You should always notify Grocer’s with a photo of the item(s).

The defect will be immediately checked by Grocer's. If it arose from manufacture or transport, Grocer's will be committed to replace or return it, assuming in full all the liability arising therefrom. The return will be made using the same payment method used for the purchase (valid for Paypal and bank transfer). In other cases, the customer will be asked for bank details for bank transfer.

All rights recognized by the law in force will be secured.


Para fazer uma troca de produto é necessário fazer primeiro a sua devolução, conforme se indica no parágrafo anterior e efetuar uma nova compra. O valor a reembolsar pela troca, será líquido de custos de transporte e das comissões bancárias suportadas pela Grocer’s, no caso de pagamentos por referência de multibanco, cartão de crédito e Paypal.


You can cancel the order until the moment of its shipping. After dispatch, the order will have to be returned according to the previous chapter.
Failure to pay the order within 2 days following the date on which it was definitively placed implies the automatic cancellation of the order.


Grocer’s accepts the following payment methods:

  • ATM and MB Way (only with a Portuguese Bank account) via Ifthenpay
  • PayPal
  • Credit Card (via Stripe)
  • Bank transfer


Description of the products, as well as their delivery, is Grocer's responsibility. After-sales services will be provided by Grocer’s in what concerns delivery times and product conditions. Please email info@grocersfood.com for any further queries.


In case of abusive use of the website www.grocersfood.com or breach of any provision of these Terms and Conditions by any Registered User, Grocer's may immediately close the account and exclude such User or Registered User from the possibility of enjoying the services offered throughout the website www.grocersfood.com


Grocer's respects your privacy and protects your personal information. Most of the website can be browsed so that the user doesn't share any information. This document informs you of the use that Grocer's makes of your personal information whenever it is necessary to provide its services.


When the user browses the website www.grocersfood.com, no personal information is being recorded, unless he is a registered user and has previously accessed his area.

Whenever your personal information is requested for registration, the reason for the request will be indicated. Grocer's does not transfer your information to third parties without the express prior consent of the user. All services that include automatic sending of emails are only activated after the express authorization of the user, who always has an option to unsubscribe.


Algumas funcionalidades do site grocersfood.com utilizam cookies. Essa informação é utilizada para verificar a utilidade e facilidade de utilização do site e para verificar se tem permissão de aceder a determinados serviços.

Se o utilizador preferir não receber cookies quando visitar o site grocersfood.com deve configurar o seu programa de navegação (“browser”) para avisar antes de registar um cookie no seu disco rígido, e recusá-lo quando é detetada a sua presença. Também pode recusar todos os cookies se configurar o seu programa de navegação. Avisamos que pode necessitar de ativar os cookies para utilizar alguns serviços pagos da Grocer’s.


Grocer’s uses the information provided by you on the website www.grocersfood.com exclusively to fulfill your product and service requests.


Your data registered on Grocer’s servers is always protected by a username and password. Although Grocer's makes every effort to avoid intrusion, we cannot guarantee the security of the information that is transmitted, namely through the intrusion of third parties (hackers). To better guarantee your security, we advise you to regularly change your password to access www.grocersfood.com.

For your safety, Grocer's does not store any credit or debit card data on its servers.


Your personal information is never shared with third parties without your prior and express permission.

However, prior express permission may be requested from you to authorize Grocer's to transfer your personal information to other companies, only and when this proves necessary to provide the requested product or service. Only the minimum information necessary to fulfill the request will be transferred.


Em algumas ocasiões, o utilizador pode encontrar na Grocer’s ligações para outros websites exteriores à grocersfood.com. A Grocer’s não partilha a informação pessoal do utilizador com esses websites e não é responsável pela sua política de privacidade. O utilizador deverá consultar a Política de Privacidade de todos os websites em que navegar.


Grocer's reserves the right to modify its privacy policy at any time and without prior notice.


Grocer’s, a trademark managed by Henrique Guimarães, Lda, taxpayer number 506180735, is available for any clarification or resolution of any problem related to the service provided.

In what conflict resolution and disputes are concerned, Henrique Guimarães, Lda is a full member of the CICAP (Consumer Information and Arbitration Center of Porto), located at Rua Damião de Góis, nº 31 lj 6 – 4050-225 Porto www.cicap. en

Contact: +351 22 550 83 49 / +351 22 502 97 91 cicap@cicap.pt

For further details, please go to the Consumer Website at www.consumidor.pt
